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Rev. Chris MicklewrightThere is Always More Writing and delivering sermon every week, I’ve come to recognize that there are some ideas and phrases that I tend to use over and over again – whether consciously or not! One of those ideas, which seems particularly relevant to the journey of faith, is that there is always more going on than we realize. (You can go back and check for yourself; old service recordings remain available on our Facebook page, and I post my sermon manuscripts on our website.) I am convinced that God is always bigger than any system or category or mental box that we might use in our efforts to know and understand God. Moreover, I think that God takes delight in showing us that our systems and categories and mental boxes are too small. If we are willing to see it, God’s love is always bigger and more gracious than we imagine. God’s work in this world is always more present and urgent than we recognize. God’s welcome is always more open and inclusive than we are comfortable with. There is always more. This is a principle that we need to have in mind every time we open the Bible. Sometimes the words and stories of Scripture seem to make perfect sense, and we comfortably decide that we know what God is saying to us. But just when we feel comfortable, the Holy Spirit is ready to reveal a new perspective that will challenge us, pushing us to confront some brokenness in our own hearts, or to care more deeply about the brokenness in the world around us. Other times, we find the words and stories of Scripture to be strange and even offensive, and we are tempted to write them off as outdated and unenlightened. But here, too, the Holy Spirit is ready to show us the good news of God’s unfailing love – if we are willing to study and argue and wrestle with the text. There is always more. Finally, this is a principle that applies well to the life of the church. I continue to learn more and more about the history of Gloria Dei, about the people and events that have shaped this place – for both good and bad. I am also always learning more about all the different people and communities that are a part of this place, and about how God is at work in your lives. My hope and prayer is that this newsletter lets you see a bit more of what is going on here, and that you might find ways of getting more involved – or that you might even have ideas for new ministries that can be featured in future newsletters! God is at work in this place, calling and helping us to grow ever more into the image of Jesus, and that is good news. |
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Blessing of the AnimalsSunday, October 1 at 12:00pm In honor of St. Francis, once again we celebrate the Blessing of the Animals and give thanks for ALL God’s creatures, especially his four-legged, winged and scaly ones! The presence of animals in our lives is a blessing. They often help us through very trying times and ask nothing in return except our love and care. This year the celebration will take place on Sunday, October 1st at 12 noon. All pets are welcome on a leash or in a proper carrier...children are welcome to bring stuffed animals (no leash required!). Spread the word….and join us!! |
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First Aid KitsGiving in Community "Giving in Community,” has been created by our PA Diocese: “Each year at Convention time (10/20-10/21), the deacons of the diocese organize an outreach effort. Actually, I dislike the term outreach, because it seems to suggest that some are “in” while others are “out.” We are all “in.” With that in mind, this year's effort of creating and distributing First Aid Kits focuses equally on engaging in community, both in your parish, as well as those in need. The goal is to get First Aid Kits into the hands of people who will not seek medical treatment for simple cuts and are at risk of infection.” Gloria Dei has assembled most of 19 kits. We are collecting additional donations of first-aid items and funds through October 15th. (especially needed are antibiotic ointment, medical tape and gauze wrap). On October 15th, we will bless the kits at our Sunday Morning Service. Thanks to all who have given! For more infomation visit:
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Pier 53: They Came. They Stayed.Wednesday, October 4 at 7:00pm In 2004, Susan McAninley, a South Philadelphia story collector, first realized both her immigrant Irish and German grandfathers arrived in the U.S. at the Immigration Station, Pier 53 (now Washington Avenue Pier). Later, she discovered many other local Philly residents also were descended from grandparents and great-grandparents who entered the U.S. at Washington Avenue and Columbus Blvd. Her program about what she’s learned, “Pier 53: They Came. They Stayed,” begins 7 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 4, at Historic Gloria Dei (Old Swedes’) Church, 916 S. Swanson (Columbus Blvd. and Christian Street) in the Queen Village section of Philadelphia. Admission is $10, which includes a drink ticket for a beverage of your choice (alcoholic or non-alcoholic). Part of “Great Talks at Gloria Dei,” this program will take place inside the church sanctuary. A reception will follow in nearby Riverside Hall. For a modest donation, you can taste delicious gourmet desserts paired with wine, coffee or tea. McAninley, a graphic artist, started the Pier 53 Project in 2004, gathering stories of immigrants as told by their descendants. If you have the name of an immigrant ancestor, she’ll try to help you find them. Those descendants fortunate enough to have had ancestors who arrived at the Pier 53 Immigration Station can become members of what she calls “The Pier Group.” As such, they’re encouraged to share their family stories and receive a T-shirt. These stories make up an ever-changing mosaic of Philadelphia history, she says. From 1870 to the mid-1920’s, about one million immigrants entered the U.S. near Washington Avenue and Columbus Blvd. This program is hosted by the Historic Gloria Dei Preservation Corporation. One hundred percent of the funds raised from this event will go toward the preservation of Gloria Dei (Old Swedes’) Church and its graveyard.
The illustration: Engraving of landing place of European Steamers, and Pennsylvania Railroad Station, Philadelphia, c. 1887. Reproduced from Tariff of Immigrant Fares from Philadelphia Issued by the Immigrant Clearing House Committee, in Effect April 1st, 1887. For more infomation visit:
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Missions CommitteeFirst Wednesday of the Month at 9:00am on Zoom - Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Would you be interested in brainstorming, discussing, planning and participating in Gloria Dei missions? We plan to meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 9:00 on Zoom. If another day/time works better for you, or if you would like an email of the zoom link, please contact Jill Duink (jillddd@hotmail.com). Meeting ID: 897 2826 6283 Passcode: 098374 Join Zoom Meeting: Click here to join the Zoom.
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Evensong: Musical MeditationEvery Tuesday at 6:30pm Join us for a refreshed version of our popular service. Don't worry, it isn't entirely different! Paul Fejko will still be performing on our beautiful Hook & Hastings organ. Keep an eye out for some interesting guest guitarists, a drum circle, poems, and discussions that we hope will inspire you throughout the rest of the week. The program will be led by our sextons, Jim & Paula Minacci, who want to create a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere that everyone will enjoy.
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Fall Flea MarketSaturday, October 21, 2023 8:00am - 3:00pm Our famous Flea Market is back! Come enjoy the fall weather and food trucks. There are always treasures to be found! 8:00 - 3:00, rain or shine, around the perimeter of Old Swedes'. VENDORS - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - • Welcoming, parking entry, and helping with unloading (Saturday, Oct. 21 7:00am - 10:00am) • Church table set-up, sales, and clean-up (through the day on Saturday) • Site, street, parking entry, and restroom monitoring (through the day on Saturday) • Clean-up (2:00–5:00 pm on Saturday) CHURCH TABLE DONATIONS - Contact Jill Duink at jillddd@hotmail.com to volunteer or for more information. |
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SS Poet ServiceSunday, October 22, 2023 at 10:00am On October 24, 1980, the SS Poet set out from Girard Point in South Philadelphia, with 34 crewmen. The vessel vanished without a trace. Please join us for a memorial mass to mark the 43rd anniversary of the SS Poet's disappearance, and the lives lost that day. There will be fellowship following the service in the church hall.
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Jazz & JoeThursday, October 26 at 7:30pm Jazz & Joe is a "coffee-house" style venue. Active listening and quiet conversation is welcome throughout the evening. Refreshments are served, and attendees are welcome to BYOB. This event is free, but donations are appreciated to help defray costs.
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Boos & BrewsFriday, October 27, 2023 7:00pm - 9:00pm Wander the grounds, encounter the graves of historic figures and hear their tales of lamentation. Will you come face-to-face with a school teacher’s double? Or take a ride in a ghostly Cadillac? Perhaps you’ll meet a spirit who was held in contempt or a British soldier who can’t let go of the Revolution? While you mingle with the living and the dead, enjoy gourmet hors d’oeuvres, local craft brews and enter a cork raffle where everyone wins. Tickets are $50 each. This event features:
Proceeds from this event support the restoration of Gloria Dei (Old Swedes’) Church and its graveyard. *Please note: the cork raffle is not included in the ticket price. For more infomation visit:
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Riverside Weddings at Gloria Dei
June was a busy month for weddings at Gloria Dei. Samantha Munsinger and Stephen Groff said "I Do" in a heartfelt Christian ceremony on Saturday, June 3rd, 2023. If you are interested in hosting your wedding or special event at Gloria Dei, please visit our website, linked below. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @riversideweddingsatgloriadei. (Photo credit: DMP Family Life) For more infomation visit:
Lucia Performers
Come help Gloria Dei church continue our time honored Swedish tradition of celebrating our St Lucia Fest! No experience necessary - No try-outs - No cost Our 1st Lucia rehearsal will be held on Sunday, October 29th at 1pm. Children between the ages of 3 and 17 who are interested in participating in the St Lucia Fest should simply show up with a parent or guardian at the first rehearsal. Rehearsals will be held on Sundays afternoons, from 1pm -3pm inside the church. (Oct. 29th, Nov. 5th, Nov. 12th, Nov. 19th & Dec. 3rd, no rehearsal Thanksgiving weekend) ALSO NEEDED - Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we are short a number of key adult performance roles and seek volunteers for the following: · Female adult solo singer in the family scene (all performances); also responsible for watching the crown during the performance Performers will need to come to rehearsals to learn their roles and the music. Please contact Elizabeth Keane (ekeane1996@gmail.com) if you or anyone else you know is interested in contributing to Lucia Fest in these wonderful ways! 2023 St Lucia Fest will be held on December 9th & 10th, performances at 2:00pm, 3:30pm & 5:00pm
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Property Committee Update
Over the past couple of months, the Property Committee has been meeting regularly and working to address a variety of maintenance projects in the Gloria Dei buildings and grounds. Already, the Committee has dealt with repairs to the Sexton house roof and various improvements to turn the old rectory into a functional church office and parish house. Before long, you should be able to see new gutters on Riverside Hall, fresh paint and repaired windows on the Roak House, repairs to some of our brick walkways, and possibly even a new floor in Riverside Hall. We are grateful for the generous donations that help make this work possible, and we hope that you will keep these projects in mind as you consider pledging toward the life and work of the church in the coming year. |
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Sunday ServiceEvery Sunday at 10:00am Our service is comprised of uplifting music, Episcopal worship and spiritual/biblical teachings. While we are always a work in progress, Gloria Dei strives to be a place where all will feel welcome in faith and spirit. Sunday Services are held in-person at Gloria Dei Church every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Afterwards, join us for coffee and conversation at our Fellowship hour inside Riverside Hall. If you cannot attend in-person, you are welcome to join us on Facebook for the live-stream. |
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10 minutes of prayer on ZoomEvery Monday at 9:00am On Mondays at 9:00am, Megan Bartlett will lead a ten minute prayer, following the Morning Devotion service in the Book of Common Prayer. We lift up to God our personal and parish needs, and pray for our new rector, Dr. Christopher Micklewright. Click here to join the Zoom meeting. or use: Meeting ID: 909 012 0129 Passcode: 1U029q If you have the BCP, turn to page 137. If you don't have a paper copy, this is the link to Morning Devotion as a PDF.. |
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Vestry Meeting [Zoom & In-Person]Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 7:00pm 7:00pm OR use: Meeting ID: 856 1499 7430 Passcode: 706722 OR cut and paste into browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85614997430?pwd=aXlCYUhieXRxeDYvNHRZZzBPeVNpZz09 OR dial in: 1 929 205 6099
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October Lectionary
October 1 Collect: O God, you declare your almighty power chiefly in showing mercy and pity: Grant us the fullness of your grace, that we, running to obtain your promises, may become partakers of your heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. October 8 Collect: Almighty and everlasting God, you are always more ready to hear than we to pray, and to give more than we either desire or deserve: Pour upon us the abundance of your mercy, forgiving us those things of which our conscience is afraid, and giving us those good things for which we are not worthy to ask, except through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ our Savior; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. October 15 Collect: Lord, we pray that your grace may always precede and follow us, that we may continually be given to good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. October 22 Collect: Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ you have revealed your glory among the nations: Preserve the works of your mercy, that your Church throughout the world may persevere with steadfast faith in the confession of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. October 29 Collect: Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us the gifts of faith, hope, and charity; and, that we may obtain what you promise, make us love what you command; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. |