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Sunday Eucharist [In-Person & Livestream]Every Sunday at 10:00am Our service is comprised of uplifting music, Episcopal worship and spiritual/biblical teachings. While we are always a work in progress, Gloria Dei strives to be a place where all will feel welcome in faith and spirit.Sunday Services are held in-person at Gloria Dei Church every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Afterwards, join us for coffee and conversation at our Fellowship hour inside Riverside Hall. If you cannot attend in-person, you are welcome to join us on Facebook for the live-stream. |
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Jazz & JoeThursday, March 23, 2023 Jazz & Joe is a "coffee-house" style venue. Active listening and quiet conversation is welcome throughout the evening. Refreshments are served, and attendees are welcome to BYOB. This event is free, but donations are appreciated to help defray costs.
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March Lectionary
March 5 Genesis 12:1-4a March 12 Exodus 17:1-7 March 19 1 Samuel 16:1-13 March 26 Ezekiel 37:1-14 Collect: Almighty God, you alone can bring into order the unruly wills and affections of sinners: Grant your people grace to love what you command and desire what you promise; that, among the swift and varied changes of the world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. |
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10 minutes of prayer on ZoomEvery Monday at 9:00am On Mondays at 9:00am, Megan Bartlett will lead a ten minute prayer, following the Morning Devotion service in the Book of Common Prayer. We lift up to God our personal and parish needs, as we search for a new Rector. Meeting ID: 909 012 0129 Passcode: 1U029q If you have the BCP, turn to page 137.
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John Barry, First Among CaptainsThursday, March 9, 2023 at 7:00pm Here’s your chance to learn more about one of Philadelphia’s top naval heroes: a man whose animated statue at the south side of Independence Square attracts photographers all day, every day; who won the first and last successful battles of the Revolutionary War; and who captured two British transports and the schooner Alert in the Delaware River while the British still controlled the city of Philadelphia – infuriating them enough to ask him to switch sides. Tim McGrath, an award-winning author who lives in the Philadelphia area, has written two outstanding books that cover Barry’s heroic exploits, plus his latest book, “James Monroe: A Life." Come hear Philadelphian John Barry come alive on Thursday, March 9 at Historic Gloria Dei (Old Swedes’) Church, Columbus Blvd. and Christian St., in the Queen Village section of Philadelphia. Find out why he was first among captains. Admission is $10, which includes a drink ticket for a beverage of your choice (alcoholic or non-alcoholic). Advance registration is required. Click here to buy tickets. This program will take place inside the church sanctuary, followed by a reception in Riverside Hall. For a modest donation, you can taste delicious gourmet desserts paired with wine, coffee or tea. “John Barry: First Among Captains” is hosted by the Historic Gloria Dei Preservation Corporation. 100% of the funds that we raise from this event will go toward the preservation of Gloria Dei (Old Swedes’) Church and its graveyard. |
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Evensong: Musical MeditationEvery Tuesday at 6:30pm Join us for a refreshed version of our popular service. Don't worry, it isn't entirely different! Paul Fejko will still be performing on our beautiful Hook & Hastings organ. Keep an eye out for some interesting guest guitarists, a drum circle, poems, and discussions that we hope will inspire you throughout the rest of the week. The program will be led by our sextons, Jim & Paula Minacci, who want to create a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere that everyone will enjoy. For more infomation visit: http://old-swedes.org/events/evensong-musical-meditation/2023-02-28
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Seeking Property Committee Membersby Mark Roberts Seeking interested people in the property of Gloria Dei to be members of the Property Committee. I was volunteered to be the Chair a couple of years ago, began the recruitment, and then with COVID never followed through. Apologies to those who offered their services then, and hope you will join in the stewardship of our buildings and grounds. If you are interested, email me at mroberts@quantum-think.com, text to 267-971-9262, or speak with me at church. |
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Vestry Meeting [Zoom]March 16, 2023 at 7:00pm 7:00pm OR use: Meeting ID: 856 1499 7430 Passcode: 706722 OR cut and paste into browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85614997430?pwd=aXlCYUhieXRxeDYvNHRZZzBPeVNpZz09 OR dial in: 1 929 205 6099
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Thank You!
Thank you all again for giving to the children of Snyder Avenue Church! Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy! |
Easter Egg Preparation and HuntApril 2 & April 9 Join in our joyous celebration of Easter with a children’s egg hunt in the churchyard following Easter morning service on Calling all Easter bunny helpers – we will prepare the eggs following services on Palm Sunday, April 2nd.. What Do Eggs Have to Do with Easter? The tradition of dyeing and decorating Easter eggs is ancient, and its origin is obscure, but it has been practiced in both the Eastern Orthodox and the Western churches since the Middle Ages. The church prohibited the eating of eggs during Holy Week, but chickens continued to lay eggs during that week, and the notion of specially identifying those as Holy Week eggs brought about their decoration. The egg itself became a symbol of the Resurrection. Just as Jesus rose from the tomb, the egg symbolized new life emerging from the eggshell. |
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Lenten Giving for Mercy Hospiceby Jill Duink Let’s join in giving together this Lent. Mercy Hospice continues to give Recovery Bibles and hold Bible study for women in recovery. What a perfect way for Gloria Dei to help! Let’s sacrifice one daily expense during Lent’s forty days. Save the money in a jar, in an envelope, under your mattress, note on the back of an envelope, or on your phone somehow. Bring or mail your savings to Gloria Dei each week. Your sacrifice will become Bibles to help the women at Mercy Hospice in their addiction recovery journeys. The Life Recovery Bible ($17.39 - $25.49) #1 Selling Recovery Bible for People in 12-Step Recovery To donate: Look for the green envelopes in the back of the church and use them to place your donation into the collection at the Sunday service. Or, donate online on our website under "Give". Please note your gift as "Mercy Hospice bible". Or, speak directly to Jill Duink. Let’s work together to give a wonderful, life-saving, Easter basket full of Bibles to the women of Mercy Hospice. |