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A Word from our Rector
"The ministers of the church are lay persons, bishops, priests, and deacons." - The Book of Common Prayer (pg 855) December was a very busy month at Gloria Dei! We began with a baptism and the Lucia festival dress rehearsal. We welcomed hundreds of guests for both the 87th annual Lucia Festival and the 6th annual O Brother Where Art Thou Musical Tribute. We hosted a funeral and a wedding. We held an Advent book group. We packed lunches, collected Christmas gifts, and gave away lots of socks, underwear, and winter gear. We celebrated Advent and Christmas Eve, with a beautifully decorated church. And, amid all those events, we carried on the usual work of greeting guests, praying for each other, supervising interns, approving a budget for the coming year, and more. Thank you to everyone for how you've invested in Gloria Dei over the past month, and throughout the whole of 2024. I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for this community, and for people who are so passionate about following Jesus. I couldn't do what I do without all of you - and I'm daily reminded that our prayer book insists that the ministers of the church are not just ordained folks, but also all of you. In your baptisms, you (or your parents & godparents) made promises to follow Jesus and to strive for justice and peace among all people - and you're living into those promises. It is a privilege to be your priest, and so I'm excited to celebrate our shared ministry on January 11. The Bishop will be visiting to officially install me as the new Rector at Gloria Dei, but in planning the service I am also seeking to emphasize that we are all ministers in God's church. I hope that this will be an opportunity for our Bishop to see and to celebrate our whole congregation, and so I hope you'll make a point to come out for the service (10am - Saturday, January 11, 2025). And, even if you can't make it, know that you are a beloved member of our community, and that I am grateful for the calling to love and support you. |
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Celebration of Ministry - Our Bishop Installs Rev. Chris as RectorSaturday, January 11, 2025 at 10:00am The Bishop will be visiting for a special service in which Rev. Chris Micklewright will be officially installed as our Rector, and in which we all recommit to our shared work as ministers of the church. A reception with delicious soups will follow. |
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10 minutes of prayer on ZoomEvery Monday at 9:00am Praying together points us to Jesus. In Matthew, Jesus reminds us of the power of community prayer: Starting the first Monday of the Advent season, December 2, 2024, until the Monday after Candlemas, February 3, 2025, the Monday morning Zoom session will use The Morning Prayer from Northumbria Community’s Celtic Daily Prayer. You can learn more at the following link. Thanks to the Reverend Sarah Hedgis-Kligerman at St. Peter's Episcopal Church for the introduction to this particular office. Meeting ID: 875 8998 7892 --- Link to the Book of Common Prayer For more infomation visit: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87589987892?pwd=ERgtkKNfuYg2d1gKPcBVXLbqdHZxsp.1#success
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Memorial Service for Jean BeltranSaturday, January 4, 2025 Long time Gloria Dei parishioner, Jean M. Beltran (nee Vazquez) passed away on December 18, 2024 at age 96. Beloved Wife of the late Richard E.; Loving Mother of Susan (the late Richard) Aichele and Richard Jr. (Victoria) Beltran; Dear Grandmom of Heather, Gabrielle (Shawn), Richard III, Kelly, and Tim; Great Granndmother of Lilly and Piper; Sister of the late Jose, Eddie, and Ralph and also survived by nieces and nephews. Her family, friends, and loved ones will be gathering to celebrate her life on Saturday, January 4, starting at 10am. The memorial service will begin at 11am, and a reception will follow in Riverside Hall.
For more infomation visit: http://old-swedes.org/events/memorial-service-for-jean-beltran/2025-01-04
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Missions Committee Meeting on ZoomWednesday, January 8 at 9:00am Would you be interested in brainstorming, discussing, planning and participating in Gloria Dei missions? We plan to meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 9:00 on Zoom. If you have any questions, please contact Jill Duink (jillddd@hotmail.com). Meeting ID: 897 2826 6283 Passcode: 098374 For more infomation visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89728266283?pwd=YXRpcUE2RXZ3MnRNMU9SOXhDYXg5QT09#success
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Swedes, Souls and Sailors: The Music of Wicaco in 18th C. PhiladelphiaSunday, January 19, 2025 at 3:00pm Join us for a concert focused around Pennsylvania’s oldest church. Gloria Dei (Old Swedes’) Church was the spiritual hub of Swedish immigrants settled along the Delaware River. Old Swedes’ proximity to the port on the Delaware also made it a destination for mariners – both religious and rowdy! Featuring music of the Rudman Hymnal, the “Swedish Handel” Johan Helmich Roman, traditional Swedish songs and 18th century sea shanties. Admission is $30 for adults, $15 for students with I.D. and $5 for children under 12. It includes a drink ticket for a beverage (alcoholic or non-alcoholic). Advance registration is highly recommended. Meet-and-Mingle afterward at Riverside Hall This concert will take place inside the church sanctuary, followed by a reception in nearby Riverside Hall. For a modest donation, you can treat yourself to delicious gourmet desserts there … and pair them with wine, coffee or tea while you chat with the performers.
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Church Kids Adventure Club
Every other Sunday, Rev. Chris Micklewright and Carol Jenkins will be leading an adventure on church grounds for kids of all ages. These adventures, which will include things like climbing the bell tower and exploring the graveyard, are a chance to learn about the life of the church, to have some fun, and to talk about faith. Immediately following the 10:00am Sunday service, kids are invited to grab a snack and gather in Riverside Hall while Rev. Chris gets ready, and we will plan to be back at Riverside Hall before noon. Parents are welcome to come along if that helps your kids feel more comfortable. |
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Packing Lunches for the Needy
Our lunch packing has really taken off! Our congregation has really come together to make this happen. Thank you to all who contributed with their funds and their time. This is our third event where we put together over 50 bags to drop off at Prevention Point in Kensington. Prevention Point provides food, applications for housing & public benefits, legal services, and medical services to the homeless in one of the most affected areas in the city. When we brought the lunches and snacks this last time (Christmas Eve), they were immediately given to the participants waiting for services—all were distributed by the time we left. Not having to go find food may help may ease the stress of life on the street for just that little while. Due to the success of our event, we will begin to meet once a month after Sunday services to make more lunches. If you would like to make a financial donation, or donate your time, please contact Cathy Ufheil at newamcat@aol.com. You may also donate at the link below. Please label your gift "bagged lunches".
For more infomation visit:
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Evensong: Musical MeditationEvery Tuesday at 6:30pm Join us for a refreshed version of our popular service. Don't worry, it isn't entirely different! Paul Fejko will still be performing on our beautiful Hook & Hastings organ. Keep an eye out for some interesting guest guitarists, a drum circle, poems, and discussions that we hope will inspire you throughout the rest of the week. The program will be led by our sextons, Jim & Paula Minacci, who want to create a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere that everyone will enjoy. Please note: there will be no service held on December 24 & 31.
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Jazz & JoeThursday, January 23, 2025 from 7:30 - 9:30pm Jazz & Joe is a "coffee-house" style venue. Active listening and quiet conversation is welcome throughout the evening. Refreshments are served, and attendees are welcome to BYOB. This event is free, but donations are appreciated to help defray costs. Please note: Jazz & Joe is not held in March, July, August, November, December.
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Angel Tree Report
Thank you to all who gave an Angel Tree gift to the children of SACC Philly (Snyder Avenue Community Church). You helped many refugee families celebrate Christmas. Your gifts were joyously received! Several Gloria Dei parishioners were also able to participate in the gift wrapping event at SACC, and we look forward to future collaborations with that community. |
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From the Archives of Gloria Deiby Jeanette Woehr Historical Facts: January 2, 1863 - Julian Irvin died. A soldier of our army for the suppression of the Southern rebellion. At the time he entered the army he was a student at Kenyon college. The sickness of which he died he contracted in Virginia. He died at the Cooper Saloon Hospital, & was interred at the Philanthropic cemetery. age 20 yrs. January 8, 1921 - James H. Sterrett buried in the church yard. He was the “Father of American Swimming”. January 14, 1801 - Fredric Hanson son of (deceased) Hans Johnson and Catherine of Norway wed Hannah Bakley. Remarkable Occurrences - by Nicholas Collin: January 1, 1805 Two men and two young women came of genteel appearance. The intended bridegroom, 27 yrs old told me in private of his premature intimacy with his future bride, and of his firm resolution to conceal the time of wedlock from the parents to save her reputation; seemed very allicted and agitated, assured me of their perfect acquiescence, et. His friend, a man of mature age and in trade of decent behaviour, affirmed that all was proper. In this case there was considerable weight, the more as the woman was 19, and had also a cousin with her. (one of the 2) Yet I would not consent, but offered him gratis any advice. January 25, 1807 in evening about 8 a Swede, call himself Johnson, mate of a Russian vessel here, came with a woman of indifferent appearance, to be married, and a Dane for witness. He is well made, talk, and about 30, confessed also his real name and family which is reputable; in a principal town of Finland, where his mother, a widow has a house. The name was known to me. I gave him severe and pathetic warning. I also threatened the woman if she presumed to get married to him; and said that the marriage would be null and void. He was a little in liquor. January 5, 1809 Five young men came A.M. Having comp. I requested them to return p.m. They came by 5 told me truth. that the intended bridegroom was the son of a man, well known, and in a rep. situation, in this city. p. 22, which his appear. confirmed that the bride was past 19, now living with his sister who is married to a man here well known- that his father and her mother know of the connexion; but he will not permit his son to marry before he can begin decent housekeeping; which he cannot ask in this embargoing but hopes to mend his fortune by going to New Orleans, and wishes to be married secretly. I gave all the usual advises against the disadvantages, even dangers, of such marriages; strongly counseled him to marry openly, and live as he can which in the opinion of reflecting persons is the best and most honourable. I also offer my mediation with his father. He wised that my liberal sentiments were more common, but declined the offer, as entirely ineffectual on his father-retired with complaisance, and only desired me not to mention the matter to any person. In the latter part of this month a widower middle aged, man of property desired to be joined with a jewess; saying that she would be baptized afterwards, But I told him that such a pledged ought to be given previously, and that I would freely instruct her. etal. also the danger of such alliance in case of her persisting in her own faith. JANUARY 1818 A widower about 40, desired marriages with a widow of suitable age, but wished it secret for a while, as his first wife had been dead but two months. He gave as reason the expense of boarding himself and children. He is I believe an honest man, and his trade is at present very dull. Yet I refused and advised him to wait for some time. Tombstone Inscriptions: Maria Nordenlind sister of Sarah Blewer relic of the Rev. Erick Nordenlind she died January 20, 1826 aged 88 years A possessor of that Faith which is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.
Here lyeth ye body of Erick Cestenberg Who Dyed ye 8th of Janry 1725 6 aged 65 years Reverse My Glass is Run My Work is done and I Lie Under Ground Entombd in Clay until ye day I hear ye Trumpet Sound
Catharine Douglass Wife of Joseph Douglass Died January 28th 1859 aged 74 years I have waited for thy Salvation O Lord.
To our Mother in Memory of Susannah wife of John Smith who departed this life January 12, 1867 aged 68 years When in this yard my grave you see My dearest children weep not for me My time has come and blessed is he That called me to Eternity
In memory of Elizabeth daughter of Gabriel and Jane Johnson Died Jan. 22nd 1834 aged 15 years 5 mos. and 22 days. Hear what the voice from heaven Declares to those in Christ who die Released from all their earthly cares They dwell with him on high.
Sacred to the memory of SarahAnn Olson who departed this life January 1st, 1846 aged 67years How happy every child of grace, Who knows their sins forgiven, This earth she cries is not my place I seek my home in Heaven.
In Memory of Sarah Fox who departed this life January 19th 1837. in the 20th year of her age. Fair and blooming yesterday, Now a loathsome corpse I lie: See how beauty fades away, Oh prepare prepare to die.
George McKay I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. (Died 6-6-1854 was one of the wardens of the Church aged 36 yrs. Cause of death congestion of the brain)
Erected to the memory of Alexander Napier stone cutter of Philadelphia Native of Scotland born in Montrose who departed this life January 6th 1819 aged 45 years 10 months and 6 days. O ye whose cheek the tear of pity stains Draw near with pious reverence and attend Here lie the loving husbands dear remains The tender father and the generous friend They pitying heart that felt for human woe The dauntless heart that fear’d no human pride The friend of man to vice alone a foe; For even his failings leaned to virtues side.
In memory of Capt. Charles Sandgran a native of Sweden who was lost at sea, in the year 1829 aged 48 years.
Articles from Old Swedes' Today: January Bulletin 1939 The Choir
January Bulletin 1943 So far we have added a new hour for service each Sunday. At nine a.m. we plan a celebration of the Holy Communion for men and women returning from defense plants and for those in the home who depend on an early service. The church has been the recipient of a number of very useful and permanent gifts this Christmastide. A beautiful white Venetian blind has been hung above the pulpit to reduce the glare during the sermon. A very handsome silver base has been added to the cross on the altar to raise it above the flower vases. A sturdy pair of iron gates have been hung at the entrance to the parking lot. All these gifts have been made possible through the Garden Fete Fund. And last, but not least, by any matter of means is the purchase of a car for the use of the Rector. After searching sometime for a good used car the chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. Hannum, procured a Ford Sedan which he assures us was a very good buy. For good measure pressed down we have received official notice from Washington that Gloria Dei is not only included among the National Shrines but the block about the church has been included in the designation order.
1968 Federal Plans Continue Construction of the Guild House This building has been completely emptied. We are just waiting for the signals to proceed. We cannot announce a date because none has been given but we can suggest you take one long last look at the building at the end of the walk that has been a home for the children of the Church School, the Vestry and innumerable groups throughout the last one hundred years and many more.
Epiphany 1972 Choir Loft completed We are now in the throes of choosing a new rector. This is not an easy thing to do. That is, if we depend solely upon the mechanics set up by the Church to effect it. But if we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the solution of our problem will become the work of the Lord and that cannot fail. We seek a Rector whom we expect to be with us for sometime to come; therefore we must work without haste and without rest and pray without ceasing. The Rector will not be chosen by the Bishop but by the Vestry of this congregation. A committee has been appointed by the Rector’s Warden, Mr. Parnum, and has been charged with the responsibility of making recommendations to the Vestry. Members are: Mr. Vogel, Mr. Laepple and Mr. Woehr. The Chairman is Mr. Parnum. There will be visiting clergy conducting services on Sundays and others preaching at the Mid Week evening services throughout Lent. We urge you to come hear and meet these men and express your reactions to the Vestry. Every member of the congregation should be interested enough to participate in this serious business. There have been two very eligible men preaching at 11 A.M.. in January and celebrating at 9 A.M., The Rev. Joseph Koci, formerly Rector of St. Peter’s Church, Third and Pine Street; and Rev. Aaron Manderback, Rector of St. Stephen’s Church, Ridgefield, Conn. Nest Sunday, February 6th, The Vicar of St. Luke’s Chapel, Manhattan, The Rev. Wilbur C. Leach will celebrate at both Services and preach. The Rev. John McGarvey of Trinity Church, Collingdale, has met with the Vestry and will be preaching during Lent. There are many factors a new Rector faces upon coming here. Our Committee insists that he be a married man and that he must agree to reside in our Rectory. And that in addition to his pastoral duties he carry forward the expanding program on this site in conjunction with the Department of the Interior in establishing Gloria Dei as a National Shrine. Do not hesitate to speak to the Committee if you know of a clergyman in the city or outside the same, in the Protestant Episcopal Church, you would have them consider. Wednesday, Feb. 16 (Ash Wednesday) Rev. David Rivers Wednesday, Feb. 23 Rev. Mr. Aldrich; St. Luke’s Westville, N.J. Wednesday, Mar. 1 Rev. G. A. Tulk, Holy Innocents, Tacony Sunday, Mar 5 Rev. Rudolph Moore, St. Martin’s, Radnor Wednesday, Mar. 8 Rev. John McGarvey, Trinity Church, Collingdale
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Pledge 2025
If you have not made a pledge for 2025, there is still time to do so. Any contribution would be meaningful. As you may have guessed, maintaining our historic buildings is a constant drain on our resources. In this coming year, we face a new challenge as our Bishop is asking us to increase our contribution to the local and national Episcopal church. Additionally, our Missions Committee has been doing great outreach work, and it would be wonderful to see what they could do with more funding. Any pledge, contribution or donation can be made through our website (see button below) or by mailing a check to: Gloria Dei (Old Swedes') Church We are profoundly grateful for your continued generosity. For more infomation visit:
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Sunday EucharistEvery Sunday at 10:00am Our service is comprised of uplifting music, Episcopal worship and spiritual/biblical teachings. While we are always a work in progress, Gloria Dei strives to be a place where all will feel welcome in faith and spirit. Sunday Services are held in-person at Gloria Dei Church every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Afterwards, join us for coffee and conversation at our Fellowship hour inside Riverside Hall. If you cannot attend in-person, you are welcome to join us on Facebook for the live-stream. For more infomation visit:
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January Lectionary
January 5 - Second Sunday after Christmas, The Epiphany Collect: O God, by the leading of a star you manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth: Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may see your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. January 12 - First Sunday after the Epiphany, Baptism of Jesus Collect: Father in heaven, who at the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan proclaimed him your beloved Son and anointed him with the Holy Spirit: Grant that all who are baptized into his Name may keep the covenant they have made, and boldly confess him as Lord and Savior; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen. January 19 - Second Sunday after the Epiphany Collect: Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ is the light of the world: Grant that your people, illumined by your Word and Sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ's glory, that he may be known, worshipped, and obeyed to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and for ever. Amen. January 26 - Third Sunday after the Epiphany Collect: Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. |